Monday, August 1, 2011


A summer festival in my town in Kentucky. My kids enjoyed a ride on the little merry-go-round. What summer memories do you cherish most?

Carnies kind of make me uncomfortable. I feel like they see walking dollar signs when they look at me or my kids. I wonder where they came from in life...what brought them to travel with a carnival, etc.

Then after spending all of my cash, we head to the car and follow the line of traffic out of the park. The kids can't stop talking about the rides they loved and the sweet treats they enjoyed. Yeah, it was worth it! Summer time temps couldn't even bring me down. I love the heat and then the relief that ice cream brings. Everyone kind of gets that hint of a summer glow to their skin. The sunsets don't come until long after dinner, giving me ample time to enjoy my porch swing with an after dinner drink, and watch the lightening bugs float around by the edge of the woods behind my house.

It's times like these that winter seems like a far away planet that doesn't exist -- where the earth is alive only with bitter cold winds and grey skies. However, it helps me to be thankful for the summer colors and all that glows beneath its sun.

Enjoy the remainder of your summer and the golden glory of fall, before the grey sweeps it all away.

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